Wednesday, February 1, 2017

HGPG Mass Production Petit'gguy Mini Review

One day, YATA was doing another Gunpla event, this was the same YATA where I had bought my Build Burning Gundam Plavsky Particle Clear Ver. about a year ago, but this event was a bit grander. There weren't any free EG kits given out this time, but a lot more kits were here and there were a lot more things to buy. I wanted to remember this event, however this time, none of the kits actually had fair prices. So I just went for the kit I found to have the most value, and that was the Mass Production Petit'gguy.

The kit itself is nothing special, it's identical to other standard Petit'gguys save for the color. You get a puzzle piece stand meant solely for Petit'gguys, which can connect to other HGPG puzzle stands, a chair which can allow your HG kits to carry the Mass Production Petit'gguy via backpack, and a color innacurate hand for the Beargguy which can allow you to make it hold the Petit'gguy's hand. Articulation and basically every aspect of this kit is identical to other Petit'gguys, so check out my HGPG Panda'gguy Review to get a better idea of it. Like other HGPG kits, you can mess around with the HGBC line to do some interesting things.

The only real differences on the kit are the ears, a few of the accessories, and most notably the face. If you're creative like me, you can even pretend the holding hand is an enlarged Petit'gguy hand with a laser at the end, pew pew.


I've never really got into the whole Petit'gguy craze and likely never will. I'm not very fond of the concept of Beargguys and they just don't appeal to me. When it comes to Petit'gguys, I never found a whole lot of value for what you're getting despite their cheap prices. Because the end product is in the end, extremely simple, and doesn't do much. SD's have more value than this because those at least can pose and come with decent accessories. Petit'gguy's are really for small kids if anything, and I guess they can serve as a canvas for modding. But honestly, the main reason I picked the Mass Production Petit'gguy up was purely out of novelty, because frankly, I don't see a whole lot of appeal to the HGPG line. Since this is an exclusive, i'd pay $10 for it at the very most, any more simply exceeds it's value range as a simple kit. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate this kit, it is what it is. But I just don't find it very appealing, but people who are interested could take a look at one of these.


- Expo exclusive, nice novelty item.
- Quite a bit of compatibility with the HGBC line.


- Despite cheap base price, not a lot of value with the actual kit in terms of engineering and plastic.
- Not a lot to this kit, extremely simple build.
- Very little articulation.


- Cheap base price, likely going to be inflated due to being an expo exclusive.

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