Wednesday, February 1, 2017

SD SBBW Sonshoko Gerbera Mini Review

The SD Sonshoko Gerbera was a unique kit that got my interested. I just found it to be cute and it's pink, Chinese outfit to be endearing. I've always had it on the wishlist but could never find one, until I did. After I got it, I went home and built it near instantly, and I must say, it's a nice little kit to have.

Unlike other warrior SD's, she has no Frame Gundam Mode, and honestly she's a bit small. The kit looks pretty decent, however she's missing a lot of gold color applications, so you might want to paint them in, I personally just painted the shoulders because i'm lazy. In terms of accessories, she has a huge naginata which has a few hollow parts, and you can take off a piece of her backskirt and use it as a bow alongside with an arrow which can plug into the hand at the side. Articulation is okay for an SD, it's limited but it's workable compared to older BB Senshi like the Zeta. Like other Sangokuden kits, you can use the feet to leave a marking stamp if you have an inkpad.

The kit itself has no extra hands, so the left hand is always a fist and the right is always a hand with the pointer finger out. The kit also has 5 option for eyes, but you can only pick one. You might also notice the gold stickers not used, that is used for an apron which you have to cut out from the manual, which I have not done due to my horrible cutting skills. So if a paper apron might interest you, this kit has one.


This kit isn't bad, but it's nothing impressive either. The biggest reason to having this kit is that it's a cute pink girl SD Gundam based off the GP04 Gerbera, and I think it's a nice little kit. If there is one thing i'd recommend doing to this kit to make it shine, it's filling in the missing gold trims and details, as the kit honestly looks quite bland without that ornate detail. It's also quite cheap due to being an SD, can can serve as a fun little build if you're bored. Honestly i'm struggling a bit to think of anything to talk about this kit because it quite standard in basically everything. The kit itself is a decent SD, nothing really breaks the norm here or goes under it. If you want a cute female Gundam, this one is definitely a nice little option to go for. 


- Comes with a paper apron.
- Foot can be used as a stamp with an inkpad.
- Quite cheap


- Gold trim will need filling in, doing so will really help presentation. (!)

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