Thursday, February 2, 2017

1/144 NG Gundam Deathscythe Mini Review

I had no real reason to get this kit, but I got it anyway. I was fully aware that this kit was crap, and I bought it anyway. My reason for this was because...I was bored. Indeed, I had bought a dated kit because I was bored and I wanted to build something that was old and low quality for fun, to see how the old wing kits were compared to other kits I built, and surprisingly, I don't think this is that bad of a kit. For time time, i'd say this is a decent-ish one, and I honestly don't regret picking it up. But I will get an HGAC Gundam Deathscythe Bandai.

The kit itself is a simple build, average 1/144 NG. Small box, small runners, and the kit comes together really quickly. There are a few bad stickers but it's not too bad, there are a few missing color apps, so you might want to deal with those, although I only really recommend painting the effect parts green. The kit itself looks quite decent, there are a few bad stickers, namely the frontskirts, but it's overall tolerable. My biggest complaint of the kit is the face sculpt, like other old Wing kits, it looks extremely deformed and derpy, which kinda ruins the kit for me from being a decent NG.

The kit itself has slightly limited articulation, typical NG stuff at the time, nothing great and doesn't do much but it works for basic posing. The kit itself has a few weapons, he has his famous Beam Scythe, the Buster Shield and the Junior Scythe. The Junior Scythe is not useable, and is just for show, it can be stored on the backskirt and that's all it does. The Buster Shield does have a beam effect part which needs painting, and does actually have a nice gimmick where the sides open up together. Finally, the beam scythe does need paint and the effect part is not detachable, the part however can hinge backwards to become a warscythe which is pretty cool.


The Deathscythe is not a very good kit in modern standards, but for the time it was honestly pretty decent. I'd actually be willing to say it was a good kit for a 1/144 NG if it weren't for certain gripes like the Wing derp face. The kit itself though isn't bad for a 1/144 NG otherwise, it doesn't miss too many color apps, but it does miss minor ones which might peeve someone off. There are quite a bit of stickers, but personally I only think the ones on the front skirts and buster shield are really bad. Personally I wouldn't recommend this kit unless you're buying it for novelty purposes like I did, it's not very great, but if you're interested in it and are aware of the problems, why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It is also worthy to note there is another version of this kit with a non-scale PVC figure, so if that interests you, get that instead.


- Looks quite decent for the time.
- Quite cheap.


- Has the Wing derpface problem that many old Wing kits suffer form. (!)
- Missing color apps in areas like the feet and buster shield for example.
- Articulation is limited, not very good, but average for the time.

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