Thursday, February 2, 2017

1/100 NG GM Mini Review

Gunpla had to start somewhere, back in the day, kits were basically all loose, crappy bricks with no color separation and need of color. During the same time of when I bought my NG Deathscythe due to boredom, I wanted to get a vintage GM for the same reason. I had original intended to get the 1/144, however since that was out of stock, I had to go for the 1/100 instead. I'm actually glad I did, because I wouldn't of tried to detail it with my Gundam Markers if I didn't. I think I did a decent job considering my motor problems.

The kit itself is what it is, an early model kit designed back in 1982, and honestly if you're expecting anything really impressive, I have no idea what kind of creative mind you would have. This kit will require paint and cement to build, more like your typical model kit instead of a modern Gunpla, even more work if you want seamline coverage. There is a tiny bit of color separation but overall, you'll have to paint the kit for anime accuracy. What I found weird was the visor on the shield and the shoulders were molded in green plastic when it included red plastic runners, never understood why because if they had done that, anime accuracy would've been a lot easier for me to gain.

As a kit, to call this thing's articulation to be limited is a vast understatement, this thing cannot pose. Do not expect anything when it comes to posing here, it's severely hindered in all categories, there are zero ball joints and no hinge goes over 80˚s. The beam saber is a toothpick which needs pink paint and the one on the backpack is just for show. The Beam Spray gun does not fit snugly into the trigger finger hand either. I should also note it recommends you to cement close the trigger finger but I honestly find it redundant, it doesn't make a huge difference when holding the weapons anyways.


This kit is vintage, and that's really the only true reason you'd buy this kit. It's old, and is thus, valuable as a novelty item of the olden days. If you want this kit for anything other than that though, look somewhere else, I recommend the MG GM 2.0. This kit is a novelty item more than anything, the kit itself is absolute crap compared to any modern standard. Articulation is abysmal, paint and cement is required, seamlines are awful and the kit has weird 80's proportions, and thus looks super derpy to boot. I'd only get this kit if you're a diehard GM fan who wants every kit, as a novelty item, or if you're bored and want to do some time traveling to see how bad the kits were back in the day like I was. This kit does have a place on my shelf, and that is to show how the GM has improved.


- Quite cheap.
- Vintage kit, nice novelty item.


- Articulation is the worst i've ever had, literal brick. (!)
- Joints are very floppy and don't like to hold very well. (!)
- Requires paint. (!)
- Requires cement.
- Seamlines are awful, removal will help tones.

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