Wednesday, January 11, 2017

HGUC Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee [Destroy Mode]

So having the HGUC Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode] I obviously had to get his far cooler younger brother the Banshee. Of course I got the HG Destroy Mode Banshee so I can have it right next to the Unicorn, but personally I prefer the Banshee's design more. I love it's weapons and I love it's colorscheme, so I didn't mind building it right after I finished the Unicorn.

The finished kit is almost identical to the HGUC Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode], so check that review for more information. As for differences, he comes with his Armed Armor VN and BS auto equipped on his arm, although Banshee does come with most of the Unicorn parts so you can take them off if you do a little arm re-assembly. You can also build the rifle and shield out of the spare parts too. The Armed Armors are completely static, VN does not move and is permanently stuck. A minor problem I have is that the psychoframe is in lame gold instead of clear gold, which is kinda disappointing, also nubs will be worse due to the dark blue plastic Banshee is made in.


A lot of my thoughts on the Banshee are similar to the Unicorn, if you like the design, go get it, just don't expect anything extrordinary. However I personally think the Banshee is the better kit just because it has a cooler colorscheme and it's new Armed Armor weapons. Yes, the lame gold psychoframe sucks, yes, the nubs stress more due to the plastic, however I prefer this kit in the end. If you're a Banshee fan, check it out, but if you want an impressive kit, go for the PG Norn instead and buy the P-Bandai Armed Armors.


- It looks very good, the proportions and looks are pretty good.
- Armed armors look really cool.


- Psychoframe and gold parts are made of lame gold. (!)
- Beam sabers are not included.
- Armed Armor VN does not move.
- Head is very loose.


- More solid than the MG.
- Less of a frustration to build than the MG.
- Articulation is a bit limited, but it slightly better than the MG articulation in some points.

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