Wednesday, January 11, 2017

HGUC Gundam Unicorn [Destroy Mode] + Unicorn Head Stand Mini Review

So for my eleventh kit (I meant it to be the tenth but my friend surprised me with the HGIBO Hyakuren), I had ultimately decided decided to go for the HG Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode], the first kit that caught my eye and the kit that got me into the wonderful hobby that I practice to this day. However, when shopping, the store stocked a special limited Head Stand Version, so of course I got that instead. So I built the kit, and it was a fun build, but it did have a few flaws that could've been handled better.

The stand itself comes in pure yellow and white plastic, so paint will be needed. So I went to my friend's place and asked for some paint, and the v-fin really shows how bad I handled this. Long story short, the paintjob was horrible and i'll probably re-do it in the future. As a kit though, the stand isn't bad, it transforms, although there is no green visor in Unicorn Mode, and the cheeks do need to me taken off and flipped instead of turning, and they are a bit loose as well. It does it's job though, and if you paint it, it can look really good.

The completed kit looks really good, only missing color apps is the white on the v-fin, but I honestly expected it to be one. With everything else, the HG Unicorn [Destroy Mode] looks like the Unicorn OOB, and it does it well. Sadly, this is the only true great thing about the kit, as the rest is just mediocre. The kit, while sturdier than the MG, does not feel as solid as I would've liked, this could be due to the psychoframe popping out, but it feels a bit more fragile than a regular HG. Also, certain areas like the v-fin could've been engineered better, it was a little annoying having to pin the v-fin in there with a small white part. The head itself is also not on any polycap, and it's a really loose and floppy joint, meaning it can be annoying to pose with Articulation is decent, and while it's more than the MG, it's not that poseable compared to most other HG's of the time, and action poses could prove difficult without a base.


Overall the HGUC Unicorn Gundam will not impress anyone in terms of engineering. As a kit, it's just got it's looks going for it, the finished product is quite mediocre. Although an alternative to an MG, I personally think this will work. While it doesn't transform and has less detail, but it's more solid, slightly more articulate and a lot less of a pain to build. I do not regret this kit, as I love the Unicorn and I wanted it for it looks anyways. Still, if you can save up enough to go for the PG, that is pretty much the Unicorn to get. Although personally, i'm satisfied with the HGUC Unicorn Gundam [Destroy Mode].

As for the bonus Unicorn Head Stand, get if if you're interested, but know it needs paint to shine. It's a fun little novelty item, and I don't see any harm in having it.


- Looks great, the red psychoframe looks especially good.


- Beam sabers are not included.
- Head is very loose.


- More solid than the MG.
- Less of a frustration to build than the MG.
- Articulation is a bit limited, but it slightly better than the MG articulation in some points.

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