Monday, January 9, 2017

HGUC RX-78-2 Gundam Revive Mini Review

Having absolutely destroyed the RG RX-78-2, I still wanted a kit of it on my shelf. Knowing more now, I learned about the HGUC RX-78-2 Revive and brought it upon myself to get this superior kit to satiate remaining salt of the RG. Building it and it felt miles more friendlier than the RG, and I actually managed to enjoy myself building it. Completing it, and I only had little remaining salt from the RG RX-78-2, and could say I recovered from my minor shock.

To say this kit is impressive is an understatement, it's goddamn amazing. His build is simple, straightforward, beginner friendly, but yet has the most modern HG engineering that was done at the time. Due to the simple design of the RX-78-2, the Revive did not focus on detail, instead aiming for the most blank, anime accurate look possible, and it does it very well. Articulation amazing for an HG, one of the most, if not the most articulate HG on the market when it was released, it's so poseable you can get him into almost anything. Accessories, while again, bland, he comes with the basics of an RX-78-2, the accessories almost every other RX-78-2 comes with. Even with such impressive engineering and articulation, he uses little plastic so that the price is a mere 1000 yen, that's super cheap!


The HGUC RX-78-2 Gundam is a wonderful, wonderful kit. It accomplishes so much due to reaching for so little with so many things to speak off. Yes, it's a simple kit, yes, it may look a bit boring, but that's the point, the RX-78-2 isn't the most exciting design and to have it bland means it's more anime accurate. The Revive does this, yet introduces very good HG engineering to make it have extremely good articulation for an HG, stickers are rarely used, and there are only a small number of missing color applications. Engineering of the kit is also top notch, there's honestly so much to love about this kit that not loving it almost seems like a crime. If you're a Gundam fan, I highly recommend picking up this kit, and if you want to introduce someone into the hobby, I also recommend giving them this kit. It's simple, beginner friendly, and easy, yet is poseable, cheap, great looking, and well engineered.


- Articulation is so very great for an HG. (!)
- All for a cheap and affordable 1000 yen. (!)
- Very good HG engineering, sturdy, solid kit.
- Simple, beginner friendly build that yields great results.


I actually cannot think of any. Every con is really just extremely minor nitpicks and not true issues.


- Design may be too simple/bland for some.

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