Monday, January 9, 2017

HGBF Gundam Portent Mini Review

If you know me, you'd know my second build was the RG RX-78-2, and that I messed that kit very badly. Long story short, that kit made me loose confidence in my building skills and turned me completely off RG's until my friend gave me the RG Wing Zero EW and made me give the line another chance. After my shock of the RG RX-78-2 though, I decided to get my second kit to try and re-ignite my determination to build. I had been interested in the Portent for a while, but since I was watching Build Fighters Try recently, seeing Shia use the Portent in action made me really want to have the HG on my shelf, as well as make me a fan of the character. So eventually, I bought it, built it and posed it. This kit did it, it re-ignited my will to build and brought me out of the backlash from the RG RX-78-2. It's because of this that I consider the Portent to be my second kit, and not the RG RX-78-2. I actually broke this kit at the swivel and waist while playing with it, and had since gotten spare parts. I never played seriously with my kits again, they are posed and pictures are taken of them.

The HGBF Gundam Portent is a very a nice kit in all honesty. It's got very workable articulation with it's slender design and modern HG engineering, you won't be wanting a lot in the articulation department with her, although upwards kick is hindered due to the armor. Her accessories are neat, she has everything she uses, and personally, I find the designs for her weapons to be very good looking. I especially find that about her GN Sword, it's beautiful for a lack of a better word, and fits the Portent perfectly as an elegant, yet deadly weapon, so she's got good marks in the accessories department too. She even comes with her own clear green stand, which I used for a lot of my early aerial pictures before I got my Kudelia Chara Stand Plate. This kit does have the binder on it's butt, but there are no mini Harel units with the kit sadly.


The HGBF Gundam Portent is a very fine kit. It's got a very elegant design, and a unique, fairy-like stature, as it's a lightweight, agile support-oriented MS. The green lenses on the kit are very beautiful with their reflective sticker backing, and give the Portent an extra flair for beauty. I actually find it a bit of a struggle to think of any true detrimental flaws with this kit, as it's honestly hard to find any real downright issue with it. The problems I have if any are very minor, like the seamlines on the lower arms and legs, the sticker on the sword, plus the fact it has no open hands, but closed fists instead. Personally though, these do not detract enough from the kit for me to call it a bad one, any fan of the Portent should get this, or anyone interested in the kit for that matter.


- Clear green lenses have silver backing on them and look beautiful. (!)
- Comes with a clear green stand. (!)
- Parts separation is pretty solid outside of the very reasonable lens stickers.
- Very good articulation.


- Certain seamlines could've possibly been hidden better


- A little sticker heavy, however most of them are for the lenses.

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