Tuesday, January 10, 2017

HGUC Guncannon Revive Mini Review

Back in the day, I was watching the original Gundam series at the time, and of course, the main 3 MS were so much fun to watch in action. Of course, they didn't get as much attention as the Gundam, but both the Guncannon and Guntank played roles in the One Year War to help the federation win the war, so obviously, I had to get all 3 together. Out of the three though, the Guncannon was my personal favorite design, and due to already having the RX-78-2 as a Revive, I had to pick up the Guncannon Revive to join it.

The finished Guncannon Revive is a fantastic kit. There are zero stickers that need to be applied, although the kit does give you clear decal stickers to give you the option of choosing the pilot. 108 for Kai Shiden, 109 for Hayato Kobayashi, and 203 for the anonymous unit that fought in Encounters in Space. Articulation on this kit, like other Revives, is fantastic, I have not found myself wanting any articulation. I do recommend panel lining though, as the pure red and lack of true colors might seem boring OOB. Sadly, unlike the original HGUC Guncannon, there are no spray missiles, those came with the Real Type P-Bandai (damnit).


The HGUC Guncannon Revive is a very wonderful kit. I know I might be saying that with a lot of these early reviews, but there really isn't a lot of issues with it. Nubmarks with the red plastic and clear visor are the main flaw I can think off, everything else about it is just great. Nothing really much to complain in articulation besides maybe the sideskirts not moving out far enough, everything else is great, knees and elbows are double jointed and poseable, universal polycaps are used, and even the neck can move up more than usual for his signature firing pose. Add the fact he has no stickers, a solid build, and you have yourself a fine model kit of the Guncannon.


- No foil stickers. (!)
- Great articulation. (!)
- Comes with optional clear decal stickers for choosing a pilot unit.


- Red plastic likes to leave nubmarks.


- Design may seem a bit bland for some, panel lining will help.

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