Thursday, January 12, 2017

HGBF Build Burning Gundam Plavsky Particle Clear Ver. Mini Review (Expo Exclusive)

So one night, YATA did a Gunpla event advertising the beautiful hobby of Gunpla to everyone with their extremely overpriced stocks. Of course, due to that nature, I didn't buy anything huge, but they did have two limited editions, the Mass Production Petit'gguy, the Beargguy III [San] Ver.囍 or the Build Burning Gundam Plavsky Clear Ver. Being the type of person who doesn't like the bears, I got the Build Burning, and it was the only product that I would consider worth it at that event. I got home and eventually built the kit, and boy it was great to own and build my first Expo exclusive.

As a kit I think this thing looks amazing. It's identical to the regular HGBF Build Burning Gundam only in clear plastic and metallic flakes inside. As a kit, again it's identical to the Build Burning and that means it's fantastic. No weapons, but you got tones of fists and clear flaming effect parts, and the flaking even translates to those, so the kit looks awesome. Articulation is also identical, which means it's one of the most articulate HG's to date. Tones of mobility here and little to complain about, the swapping of blue parts to orange is easy as well.


As a final say, i'd say that if you can get this kit for a fair price, absolutely go for it, it looks spectacular with the clear plastics combined with the reflective flakes that it has in the plastic. The HG Build Burning was already a fantastic HG kit, and this thing just makes it look even better with that clear plastic with metallic flakes. Articulation is great, it's mostly quite solid, the flame effects look awesome, and overall it's an awesome deal. It's hard to hate this kit, although the shoulders still do like to pop out a lot, which is my only real problem with it. There isn't really a reason you'd want to skip out on this if you can afford it, it's a fantastic kit and looks absolutely amazing.


- Extremely articulate for an HG, and looks extremely natural when posing. (!)
- Looks absolutely amazing with the clear plastic and metallic flakes. (!)
- While he has no handheld weapons, the effect parts and display options are epic.
- Effect parts look really good with the sparkle effect, even better than normal.


- Shoulders like to pop out due to polycap design.

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