Friday, January 20, 2017

Revoltech Vox Aura Review

So my friend got this figure for my birthday, he knew that I built Gunpla, so while he was buying kits on HLJ, he found this on the sales section for about $3 including shipping, so he decided to pick this up for me as it's a Japanese robot. The moment I saw this, I recalled seeing a JobbyTheHong's review on it, so I watched it again and was immediately hyped. I had a Revoltech Strike Valkyrie before this, so I knew these figures were super articulate, and I love this design. I watched the anime it came from which was called "Lagrange the Flower of Rin-ne" a few days after and I must say that I really enjoyed the series. It was a bit short and the story was a little bit all over the place, but I still absolutely loved it, and I especially adored the visuals of the show. I particularly liked how the sunlight was done and how it basically made everything seem vibrant, it just looks very beautiful, which all just added to the hype for the figure.

So, when my friend gave this to me at school I immediately unboxed it, played around with it, and loved every moment with it, and the second I got home, I began to take pictures for to make a review for it. :3


The box is a nice and simple one. You get the window where you can see the figure inside with the logo on the bottom left, as well as a shot of the figure. To the bottom right you can see the logo of Lagrange and the name of the unit to the left.

In the back you get a overview of the accessories and a few action shots of the figure, as well as context for some of the accessories. Along with information of the show and the pilot Madoka.


Right out of the box and the Revoltech Vox Aura looks great. It's got all the needed paint apps and they look quite decent. However, when you take a closer look, you may see some mistakes like minor paint bleeding and color inconsistencies, which can put people off. However, I personally don't find that they are enough to ruin the figure.

A problem she has though, is that she can almost never stand on her feet. I mean, just look at those, as if high heels weren't enough, these are tiny and are positioned at a weird angle. It took me quite a long time to even get her to stand, which is why the standing picture above looks so awkward.

So, i'm doing the rest of the review on her stand. The stand comes disassembled in the box, but is very simple to assemble.

Done! The white revoltech joint also gives the stand a bit of articulation, which I will talk about later.

You can also use two parts to make it even taller, and have extra poseability.

You just plug the other end of the revoltech joint into a hole in her butt.

Now I can pose her for the review a lot quicker and spend more time on making her pose look good.

Now this is the Revoltech joint. It's a really simple yet effective joint that connects to parts on pegs, making the parts that connect to it able to swivel. Further more, there is a ratchet joint in the middle, combining both of these on the figure gives this thing pretty nice articulation. You can do almost essentially anything with the figure as long as the armor parts don't get in the way, but the ratchets do limit the angles of where you want to pose sometimes.


Her head is on a double ball joint, while her arms are on revoltech joints on the shoulders and elbows. Her shoulderjoint is quite unique as it connects to a section that is parallel to the torso as opposed to connecting inside the the torso, which allows her arms to move around parallel to the torso as opposed to in it. Her elbows bend a decent 90˚and can also swivel in any direction. Her hands however have no articulation and are on pegs that allow them to swap.

Her torso and waist are connected on two revoltech joints that allow for very nice torso movement alongside with the slim design, and her thighs are connected to the waist by revoltech joints for some very nice posability. Her legs are on a double joint that allow them to bend 180˚, while her feet are on revoltech joints as well. She's very poseable due to the revoltech joint, and it was honestly a very neat idea for it.

The default hands are open hands, however you should know that her left open hand isn't just your average open hand, it's actually posed a bit, so that may affect your ocd.


She comes with a good amount of stuff to play around with.

You already know she comes with a pair of open hands that aren't identical.

She also comes with fists for punching.

As well as my personal favorite, a right hand pointer finger to recreate Madoka's iconic "Maru!" pose.

She also comes wth her "Formula 32" energy sword. It comes equipped it's own lower arm, so you'll need to detach it from the upper arm and take of the hand to use it.

It also comes with a deactive energy shield, sadly there is no effect part for it, which is disappointing. It also comes on it's own arm like the sword.

It also comes with a small orange box to keep the smaller accessories in.

It does what it supposed to do well, and even has airholes so the PVC plastic can "breathe".

The last three parts are used so the figure could partsform from Warrior Mode to Piercer Mode. It's also worthy to note that in the show, the Piercer Mode is actually the default form of the Voxes, so technically i'm transforming it backwards.


First you pull off the chest and legs from the torso, before taking off the lower legs by the knees.

Then you fold the thighs down and attach the transformed leg part.

Do the same with the other leg so you have two now.

Get the transformed torso part and plug the legs into it.

Now plug the legs into it.

Then you go to the upper body, and fold in the arms. They do not lock in anywhere and just rest at that angle, but they won't flop around.

Take off the nose cone tip and put it on the higher hole.

After that, you fold the wings to this position. In the show, the wings are actually more streamlined than they are on the figure, however since this figure transforms, it's physically impossible to have the wings in one part, it was either put the revoltech joints on the wings/making the wings less streamlined, or having another set of wings in the transformed position.

Then you attach the transformed upper body to the transformed lower body...

It should fit and align perfectly fine.

Now bada bing, you've transformed your Vox Aura into it's Piercer Mode.

There is also a hole at the bottom that allows you to connect it to the stand...

Now it can do some aerial poses!



My friend got me this figure for an outworldishly cheap price on HLJ, it's not as cheap now thanks to him, although if you're interested in it, i'd suggest picking it up. It does have a few defects in the paint, but thanks to it's small scale, they aren't horribly noticeable. It's also very fun to pose around with due to it's sleek design and great articulation. I'd recommend this to fans of the anime, people who like transforming/partsforming mecha, fans of plane-like alt modes, and people who just want a cool looking mecha that articulates really well. Now I just need a revoltech Vox Lympha and Vox Ignis and i'll be set for life!

Please make them Kaiyodo...i'm depending on you...


-Super articulate due to revoltech joints. (!)
-Comes with a stand.
-Box to hold smaller accessories.


-Paint apps may have defects.


-Partsformation is quick, very simple and easy to pull off.

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