Thursday, January 19, 2017

HG Customize Campaign 2014 Summer Set "F" Review

So if you didn't already know, HLJ hosts a show called Gunpla TV. Hosted by Syd and Ryan, they essentially show us many, many different modelling related things in each of their episodes, like new kits and how they look like when built, modelling techniques and other great stuff. Not only that, they giveaway an pre-built kit to a random winner every episode, to enter, just comment on their site on the newest video, and you're entered! I highly recommend that people watch it, not only do they talk about the newest kits, but they build them and talk about the finished product. Go check them out at right now!

So why is this related? Well, recently Bandai has been making Builders Parts again, and because of this, Gunpla TV hosted a giveaway where they would giveaway some older Builders Parts to people who made a Top Gear intro for Todd, who is someone who builds and reviews kits for Gunpla TV. I sorta messed mine up as I had no idea what a Top Gear intro was and just decided to wing it, but I still got in and now I have myself some parts!


The package I got is a simple little baggie. You can see the weapons you get with a picture on the front. Nothing else really.


You get a single grey runner, nothing more.


This is just a simple foldout manual. It doesn't have much besides your average instructions. It's got no color guide because...well...the parts don't have color and you're free to paint it in whatever you want.

There is however, some advertisements for Gundam Build Fighters and G-Reco. Both which were shows all the way back in 2014, which was when this was given away. We already know about the HGRIG G-Self and that it's not a great kit, so that's something.

Completed Product:

You get a few things from this package, my favorite being the little unpainted Torohachi you get from Gundam Unicorn. If you're not aware, the Torohachi is a little petit MS used by civilians, and it's tiny and not at all meant for combat use.

The main treat here are the weapons you get. In pack F, you get the Heat Tomahawk, and the Drill Lance.

They're a tiny bit loose in the hands, but can be held well enough. Blutack might help though.

You also get a connector which allows you to combine the weapons by the ends of their handles.

Now he can stabby stabby while choppy choppy.


I can't recommend this to you normally, as these were campaign exclusive parts. However, I would if I could. The Torohachi is a neat thing that you could possibly use in a diorama, or paint it up and display with your other 1/144 mini figs that you get with your RG's, and the weapons look cool too! So if you can find it for a reasonable price online ($1-2), i'd say go for it. :)

Also, check out Gunpla TV! They make awesome videos and are a great way to learn about newly released kits and whether or not you should buy it. You can even sign up for their weekly giveaways if you comment on their videos, so do that! I highly respect all of the people who work for the show and at HLJ, and i'm glad that Gunpla TV is a thing. Now to get back to work on that broken RG Sinanju part...

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