Friday, January 13, 2017

HGIBO Carta's Graze Ritter Mini Review

So one day, I went to visit the Gunpla Fiesta at Olympian City, I had a fun time looking at kits and stuff, they had some really awesome displays and I talked to a few uneducated people about Gunpla and recommendations for their builds. Needless to say I wanted a souvenir for the day, so reading Gaijin Gunpla's review on the newly released Graze Ritter, I had decided to choose it as a memory for the great day I had there.

Due to being a Graze, this kit uses the Graze frame, it's a standard IBO frame, with good articulation overall and a simple build. I'd actually say the Graze frame is my least favorite of the IBO frames, it feels a bit...flimsy? I don't know, but it doesn't feel as solid as most of the other frames. Oh well, it's still a nice thing to have and looks pretty cool.

The kit itself is very good, I think this has a lot of value in the box. First off, you get the parts to display it in it's Space Type as shown in the first image and the Ground Type of your choice. You also get the regular Graze shoulders should you want to put your HG Barbatos in it's Second Form, and it also comes with all the accessories the normal Graze has, including the head and commander antenna. I think you can even make a turquoise Graze out of this. In terms of weapons, she comes with everything the HG Graze comes with, as well as her own special sword. This kit has a few more stickers than the Graze though, those being the red highlights and they aren't a whole lot of fun to apply. The forehead can be pulled off and reattached to show the sensor open although you'll need a bit of paint to fill in the missing color app. I also have to say the Ground Type thigh armor on this kit is very loose and can make posing a bit annoying. Another annoying part is the shoulder armor, it really likes to come apart, and once it does it's a pain to get back together. Glue could fix that, but be wary not top glue flaps in there.


I think the HGIBO Graze Ritter is a nice little kit. It's not the most sturdiest IBO kit i've handled yet it definitely comes with a lot of plastic. You get a lot of options in this kit, the regular Graze shoulders, the space/ground type parts and the regular Graze foreheads too, all which can be used with kitbashing and customs for the IBO line. Articulation is that of your typical IBO and while it isn't amazingly impressive, it's pretty good, and i'm glad I got it as a souvenir. If you're a fan of the MS, check it out, you just might like it.


- A lot of accessories and extras. (!)
- Has an inner frame, albeit not the sturdiest one i've handled.
- Articulation isn't amazing but is pretty good, frame articulation is very good.


- Shoulder armor really likes to come apart and it is a pain to put back together.
- Certain stickers aren't necessarily going to be fun to apply
- Thigh armor for the Ground Type loves to come off.

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