Monday, January 30, 2017

SD BB Senshi Zaku II Mini Review

The Zaku, arguably the most gruntiest grunt suit of all, and definitely the most iconic in the Gundam universe. Out of most other SD kits, I found myself strangely attracted to the Zaku. Maybe it's the baby-like, flat proportions, and the fact it's monoeye track has this nice segmented detail. Nevertheless, I found myself wanting the kit and eventually got it for myself.

The build was extremely simple, nothing truly special to note but it was nice to build a quick simple kit in an hour. This kit has no legs, the feet just plug in right onto a ball joint on the waist, so while they can pivot and move around a lot, it's not going to be doing much. Articulation is what you'd expect from an old SD, that being severely limited, but it is what it is. Due to the simple design of the Zaku, no real color apps are missed. the kit's got a few hollow parts like most other SD's, those being in the rifle, hands and heat hawk. The left shoulder can also swing forward for shoulder bashing poses.

You can also pull off the top of the scalp and plug it in a different way to make the Zaku reveal some of it's inner deail in the head like the PG. Like this, you could also move the monoeye easier, but it's honestly easy enough since the eye itself sticks out and the visor is huge due to being an SD. It's a nice gimmick to have I suppose. The monoeye itself is quite detailed and has these segmented gaps that add an extra depth to the whole thing.


The SD Zaku II is a decent kit for what it is. It was one of the first BB Senshi kits, and thus it is a bit dated compared to more modern SD kits. However, it's definitely got a few interesting aspects, including the opening head panel, the swingout shoulder joint for the shoulder bash, and the fact that you can store the ammo clip of the machine gun on the backskirt, Not to mention that great looking moving monoeye. Due to how it's constructed, the panels lines are done on the part to give it more depth and I love it. It's got all the accessories it needs, and it's quite cool that you do get them. In my opinion, this is one of the cuter looking SD's that looks more like a baby instead of an MS with shrunken limbs. Articulation isn't anything amazing, but it's an old SD. I'd recommend it if you're interested in the way it looks and or want it in any way, plus, you're not spending a whole lot on it, so purchasing it shouldn't be too big of a deal.


- Quite affordable
- Head has a surprising amount of inner detail.
- Moving monoeye.


- Zeon stickers on the chest and shoulder shield have outlines which don't look the best. 
- Quite bad hollow parts on most of the weapons. 

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