Thursday, January 19, 2017

MG Gundam Deathscythe EW Review

Before I start this review, I want to give a huge shoutout to /u/DarkSlayerKi for buying me this kit! He found my reviews very informative and he decided to send me this kit because of them. He also apparently send me this particular kit due to the fact that other reviews of this guy are very mixed, so he wanted me to take a look and make a good review for it. Well, i've received it, built it, and now reviewed it, so this one's for you buddy. Alright, so without further ado, lets get into it.


The boxart of the Deathscythe is a really good looking one. You get a picture of the Deathscythe EW in space with his badass Beam Scythe in your face. You also have the Wing Gundam EW in the background destroying an MS.


You get 4 frame runners in ABS, two which are the same...

...4 dark purple runners, two which are reused and one that is very small...

...two white runners, which are made using the (letter)1, (letter 2) technique...

...a yellow runner, a grey runner...

...and a multicolored runner.

You may have noticed that there was a part missing. Well, it wasn't actually missing, I cut it off first.

Because I wanted a little Duo on my desk as I was building. :3

You also get a green effect part runner and a polycap runner.

For decals, you get clear sticker decals and dry transfers, but you also get a few foils. I applied all the clear stickers as the manual instructs, but couldn't do the dry transfers as I absolutely botched those up. haha.


He's got a cool manual, inside you get the usual part count, instructions, info about EW kits and how they're redesigned by Katoki Hajime. Speaking of which, technically, this is my first Ver. Ka kit due to fact EW kits are designed by Katoki, but i'm not going to call this my first Ver. Ka due to obvious reasons.

You get instructions, part count, also get the color guide for painters. Yay!

Now during the build, I experienced something weird, for the first time ever, Bandai made a production error, specifically with my kit. I don't know if other people has experienced this, but I have. In this picture, there are two parts that are supposed to be identical, the one on the right being how it looked like straight on the runner. You'll notice that the one on the left has a shorter peg and a plastic bar between the two pegs gone, I did that. The reason is that, the longer peg and the plastic between them was Bandai actually made a production error with my kit, and they gave me the parts for the Deathscythe Hell, instead of the Deathscythe.

At first I was confused why the parts didn't fit like they did on the manual, and then I took a closer look at the manual and saw that the parts looked different that they should be. I checked on Dalong and, as I suspected, my parts weren't correct. If you have this, don't order spare parts from Bandai just yet, you can simply get rid of the extra plastic between the pegs, and shorten the longer peg to match the other. Once that's done...

It will fit! Again, i'm not sure if i'm the only one who had this problem, but if you have it, just do what I told you to do, and you'll be fine. :)

Inner Frame:

The Inner frame looks good, simple in some areas maybe, but I find it to be really sturdy.

Frame Articulation:

The neck is on a hinge to while the head is on a ball joint, so he can look up really far up.

His backpack has two Hyper Jammers, which are connected by balljoints. These Hyper Jammers scatter particles that jam signals and scramble radars, making the Deathscythe a perfect stealth MS. They might be on ball joints, but only really turn 180˚ due to the design. You might be able to get it to move even more though.

The shoulders are on a hinge joint that is essentially unlimited, so he's got quite insane/painful looking shoulder movement there.

His arms go up decently far, they are only obstructed by those shoulders.

His arms swivel at the bicep and go up a perfect 180, his arms have very good the point where the second joint can actually go backwards. That does not look comfortable.

The waist is on a ball joint, and has really good movement.

The legs swivel at the thigh and have a nice 180˚ bend, and without any waistskirts on the frame, the thighs are pretty much unlimited.

There is also a part on the thigh that slides when you move the upper joint, and the kneepad with the spike moves up as well. Can be used as a stabby-stabby weapon.

The foot has some nice movement, even a small toe joint. that honestly doesn't do very much. It comes off very often if you just build it as the bare inner frame.

Overall, the frame has some really nice articulation.

I had to do it, i'm sorry.

Completed Product:

Like I said, this is the EW Ver, which is a bit strange in the way that the regular Deathscythe doesn't even have an MG kit. So you're making the EW version before the regular one Bandai? Okay. Still, I do think this is a very good looking and overall nice design, even if I do much prefer the TV version. The sharp areas on the legs and those bat-like shoulders really make this thing look more like a sinister MS, and those yellow trims on the shoulders, it's very nice.


The neck joint is actually hinged upwards by default when the head is just looking straight, so he can't really look up very far. He can look down quite a bit though.

The large shoulderpads obstruct the amazing outward movement of the shoulder hinge, but it's still decent.

However, that can't be said if the arm is parallel to the MS. This is all you're going to get.

His shoulder still moves up very well though, and the swivel works fine.

Due to his armor, his elbow joint is restricted to about 130˚. Oh well, it's still quite good.

You'll notice that his hand is flat parrallel to the arm. You may think this hinders articulation, but the yellow piece is actually completely loose, and moves along with the arm.

The manual actually instructs you to put it in a certain way, so that if you flick the wrist down, the handguard will follow it completely, unlike in this image. This is because I decided to put it backwards on purpose, because I usually have my kit posing with the wrist up instead of down.

The individual thrusters and Hyper Jammers still move.

He also has little fins that can move.

He's got a meh level ab crunch.

A decent backwards crunch too., Movement to the sides are slightly hindered.

His front skirts are actually on two joints, one hinge and one ball, so they move a lot.

They also fall a lot, alongside with all the other waist skirts. Not only that, they come apart a lot too, this is probably the area where you need to pay most attention to when posing as the parts love falling...or you can just glue it all.

His legs have a 175˚ bend, which is still really nice, and the swivel still works decently.

His feet still move quite well.


Overall he's got a decent amount of accessories, he doesn't come with many weapons, but what he has are really cool and unique.

First of all, his hands use the finger-swapping technique, so you have those for alternate hands.

This is the default open first, where the thumb fits in securely between the pointer and middle finger. You just pop off the fingers as shown, and you can swap them for...

open hands...

tightly closed fist...

and the final fingers have a peg inside it to let it hold his signature weapon, the beam scythe.

The Beam Scythe itself is quite standard. It comes in all grey plastic, but the decals make it look a bit better.

The actual Scythe effect part looks amazing, and is really detailed.

You just plug it into the scythe, easy as pie.

He looks awesome and the scythe looks awesome, while he doesn't have a huge loadout, it's looks so good.

There is also an adaptor to equip the inactive scythe on the back.

Just plug it into the hole.

You'll see these grooves on the scythe. You just attach the groove closest to the blade to the adaptor.

Now you have weapon storage.

The Buster Shield is probably my favorite weapon that he has though. Honestly, despite being a shield, it's more of an offensive weapon than a defensive one.

You just plug it into the arm with this adaptor.

The long tab you see goes into the hole of the adaptor.

With that, you equip the you got the most pathetically small shield after the Amazing Red Warriors's one!

It also opens up to become a claw weapon. In the anime, the regular version of the Deathscythe shoots it out. You can replicated a shooting pose with the shield if you have a stand.

It also has an blade effect part, because the shield can also emit a beam blade.

You just put the tab into the small hole under the shield.

The effect parts on this kit look absolutely sick, i'm honestly satisfied with the less amount of accessories as these two boys are enough to gather attention.

You also get an adaptor for the Action Base 1. Sadly, I don't have one to show this, and am focusing all my money on buying new kits to build.


You can open his cockpit hatch and there is an unpainted pilot figure of Duo Maxwell inside. Hi there!

Like I said, the sharp kneecap moves up when you move the second hinge of the double joint. Note that this mechanism does get loose sometimes, and you may want to grab both sides of his calf when moving this joint.

He still has that moving panel, but the fact that it had a hole that could fit a peg. If the thigh had a peg, it could've very well been a possibility to have a moving armor part like on RG's. Oh well, I guess that's something RG's will always have over MG's.


The MG Deathscythe EW is a nice kit, and I hope my review helped you make a decision. The Deathscythe has very mixed reviews, as some people love it due to their bias of Gundam Wing, some people hated it due to their extreme expectations of the kit being let down, and some people just didn't care. Due to this, I wanted to make a truly reliable review that doesn't contain any bias or expectations of the kit, and to be honest, it's a great solid kit. There aren't many groundbreaking things about the kit, but there aren't many negatives either, and everything that it does, is done quite well. Sure it's not the best, but it's quite good, and definitely not a bad one. Some parts like the sideskirts might get annoying, the sharp parts could break easily, and the moving kneecap gimmick can be a pain, but those are really just minor nitpicks. In the end, there isn't anything really wrong with the kit, and everything that it does do, it does quite well, giving you a mediocre kit in general. Still, I think it's a good kit, and definitely not as bad or amazing as people would think. I'd recommend this to Wing fans, fans of the Deathscythe, fans of unique Gundams, or if you just want a more simple MG to build for fun. Hopefully my review is more informative and less biased than the other ones, and could help you make a decision that you won't regret if you're on the edge of buying this kit.


- Unique Weapons with really detailed beam effect parts. (!)
- Very sturdy due to simple design.
- Frame articulation is quite good. 


- Side skirts fall apart a lot.
- Sharp kneecaps might be prone to breakage.


- Simple build/construction.
- Nice all rounder MG kit.

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