Friday, January 20, 2017


So, this was actually be second birthday gift I recieved for my fifteenth birthday, and it was much less of an early one when compared to the SD Qubeley Triple Collection set. If you've paid attention to previous posts, you will know that i've actually already built this kit before I started said "birthday binge build". This was because of two reasons, the first being that I was dying to build something and had no other kits, the second was the fact that I love the ReZEL's design for both forms, and to this day it remains one of my favorite transformable suits.


The boxart is nice, you get a picture of the ReZEL zooming forward in front of the camera in space, with two more in Waverider Form behind it.


In this kit, you get 3 blue runners, 2 which are identical...

 ....2 white runners which share identical parts...

...a multicolored runner...

...2 grey runners, and a polycap sheet. The smaller grey runner is actually molded in ABS, probably because those specific connections needed to be more sturdy than usual.

You also get foil stickers, and a sheet clear decal stickers.


The manual is your average manual, you get instructions, part count, shots of a painted product and the colorguide.

Completed Product:

From a straightbuild, the ReZEL really doesn't look very bad. Most foils are red metallic stickers of areas that would be a glowing light on the kit, the only non-red sticker is the worst however, and it's the yellow "crotch-v" sticker. If you've built a kit with one, you'll know these are the worst type of sticker next to the chin stickers. They never stay flat, and they look horrible when applied. The clear decal stickers on the other hand are awesome, I applied only the ones that the manual recommends you to apply, but you can totally go wild with these, and potentially use them on other MS.


His head is on your average neck joint, so it's got fine movement.

His arms can go decently far upwards, however he doesn't use the now average swing-out polycap arm assembly. Instead, he has a ball joint molded into his torso, and it really limits how much the arm can swing in.

That's as far as the arm swings in, and it does limit posing opportunities. Although, if you know how to pose, this shouldn't affect you too much.

His biceps have a smooth swivel and his elbows bend a simple 90˚. Meanwhile his hands are on a ball joint, no surprise there. (Also, in this shot, you get a great view of his massive schlong!)

The trusters on his back are on ball joints, so they move around. It's also worthy to note the fins on the end of his backpack are miscolored, they're meant to have a light blue accent.

His waist movement is very limited, you can't even turn it over 90˚. This is all the waist movement when you turn it, and he has no ab crunch whatsoever.

His side skirts are actually on ball joints connected to his legs, so they are very movable and easy to get out of the way.

His legs can swivel, as well as bend a perfect 180˚, although I assume this is due to the transformation. More on that later.

He also has a toe joint, again presumably due to transformation purposes.


You get a decent amount of stuff with this guy.

First are the pair of Beam Sabers that don't store anywhere on the MS. Although I was surprised that it only came with one effect part. What's with this Bandai? What's the point in giving us two handles if there's only one effect part?

He still holds the weapon very nicely though.

Next, he has a trigger finger hand to hold his main weapon, the beam rifle.

Note that the Beam rifle is a long one, and will impede elbow movement.

I think it looks really damn good though, and you can certainly get him in some nice poses if you know how to pose right.

He also comes with a shield, which is the average "waverider-type" shield. Super thin, and it seems so useless that you wonder why it even is a shield. Well, the answer is the same to all waverider shields, so the Waverider mode can look better and more like an actual flying vehicle.

Curiously, it also has a barrel at the end of it.

So I guess the shield isn't entirely useless...pew pew.

Lastly, the kit comes with a transformation block and two ABS parts that allow the kit to partsform into it's Waverider  Mode.


First, you pretty much tear apart the kit. Take off the legs, disconnect the sideskirts, take off the t-bar on the waist, pull off the chest and take off everything on his back.

First, you connect the waist and the chest piece to the transformation block.

Before attaching the shield to the underside of the assembly.

Then you put the large middle section that was on the ReZEL's back on the top of the transformation block.

You then get the legs, and bend it by the knee on 180˚ and fully bend in the toe joint.

Then you add the ABS part to keep everything in place. Note that each leg has their own specific part, so don't get them mixed up. The way I remember, is that the hollow part of the part attaches parallel to the leg polycap.

Then you put the waist skirt on a groove on the part, this doesn't matter, the waist skirts are identical.

Then you put the corresponding back piece onto the leg to cover things up. Right back piece goes onto the right leg, and leg piece goes onto the left.

Now repeat with the other leg.

Before attaching both legs to their corresponding sides of the transformation block.

Now you've partsformed your ReZEL to his Waverider form.

He does get a lot of him left out from the transformation though, I personally don't mind this at all, but I know a lot of other people do, so i'm mentioning this just in case this turns off people.

He also has a peg that would allow an Action Base 2 to fit in there. Your average stand will not work, as the peg hole is very far in.

You can also attach the beam rifle to the waverider by simply folding the handle.

Now you can attach it to the bottom of the shield. The ReZEL's schlong will hold it in place, so it's a secure connection.

Now he can shoot more stuff down while zooming in space!

He also has handles on his sides that pop out so he can take passengers.

I wasn't bothered to take a kit off my shelf from their poses just for this. So i'll just tell you you can do it.


The HGUC ReZEL is honestly a bit of a mixed bag, for the positives it has, there is a catch for them. It isn't the best kit out there, yet it's not the worst i've seen. It does what it's supposed to do well, just not amazingly. I don't know if you think i'm a little biased due to my love of the Mobile Suit, but I can assure you that while the kit isn't amazing, it's not bad either. It's simply just averagely good in my opinion, and it does a decent job at representing the ReZEL, and it's transformation is many times more simpler than the MG's transformation. I'd recommend this to people who like transforming kits and don't mind partsforming them, fans of Gundam Unicorn, and fans of the ReZEL. But if you expect anything amazing from this kit, you might be disappointed.


- Clear Decal stickers give room for extra customisability, and not just for this kit. (!)
- Can allow other MS to ride it when in Waverider Mode.


- Nubmarks are quite bad.


-Transforms via partsforming, years more simpler and less complex than the MG's transformation.
-Articulation is bad at the upper body, but great at the lower body, giving the kit decent overall articulation.

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