Monday, January 23, 2017

HGUC GM Cold Districts Type Mini Review

Now before people start asking me "Oh hey, why you gotta be lazy and make a mini review for this guy instead of a normal one?", I do have reasons. First of all is that since school is back, I simply don't have enough time to spend hours writing a single review now. Another thing is that I had meant to review this normally, but then the pictures of the runners got corrupted so I just decided to scrap the idea and do this as an alternative.

These mini reviews will give you a quick overview of the kit and a verdict, similar to Kakarot197's "Review in a Nutshell". It won't be close to as detailed as I ususally make my reviews, but hopefully it will serve it's purpose in the verdict section. Don't worry, I am still working on the Barbatos 6th Form review, pictures have been taken and i'm slowly but surely writing it up. This mini review is just a little filler for it, so stay tuned!

The kit is a very quick and simple build, it comes in 3 runners excluding polycaps, one multi colored one, one light grey one, and one small dark grey one. The small dark grey runner is molded in ABS and makes some of the joints on this kit very stiff. Stickers are used in understandable areas and the crotch v is much better than other kits because you don't have to squeeze it in there. You can simply put it on the red part before inserting said red part, very nice. The red stickers on the face are really the only offenders here. In the knee, there is also some fake tubing in the joints, similar to the RG Gundam MK II, only instead of mesh tubing, it's a part. Just give it a little panel wash and it looks really good. Front skirts are molded as one piece and cannot be separated sadly.

Articulation on this kit is serviceable, I wouldn't say it's very good, but it's not too bad and it was kinda to be expected for the time. His head is only on one ball joint, so that limits movement a bit, and the shoulders do not move in at all, which is surprisingly limiting. This pose pretty much shows the maximum of most articulation points.

He only comes with 3 hands, a right trigger finger hand, a left regular holding hand and a left open hand, he doesn't have a pair of the normal hands so the trigger finger hand i. The beam saber on the backpack is a fake one. You get a toothpick beam saber with this kit, which I wouldn't of minded too much if the beam saber wasn't molded with the hand in light grey. You'll definitely want dark grey/pink paint for that. He also comes with a machine gun which doesn't hold very well in the trigger finger hand ironically, a tab could've fixed that. It also has to be held at an angle, so that's another negative. The worst thing is that although it has a stock, he literally won't be able to hold it with is left hand, the arms just don't bend far enough. His shield is probably the best accessory here, and it's...a shield. It's only real negative is that it uses a sticker for the emblem, but that's not a big deal for me.


I've been a fan of GM's for a long time, but i've never actually gotten a kit of one, until now at least. This is definitely an old kit, and I was completely aware of it's age when I bought this. But honestly, while it definitely shows it's age, it's not as bad I thought it would be. For sure, it's got flaws and there is no denying that it's got them, but all of them don't annoy me as I thought they would. For 800 yen, you're getting a nice little GM with decent articulation and great looks, that's a good enough deal in my book. This guy was made all the way back in 2003, and while it's not a good kit by any means, it's not a bad one either. In the end, if you love the GM Cold Districts Type, or are just a GM fan, you should definitely consider picking this up.


-Visor is a clear piece.
-Really cheap.
-It's got great looks, and some nice detail in some areas.


- Light grey toothpick beam saber hand. (!)
- Machine gun has a lot of issues. (!)
- Seamlines are quite bad.
- No regular right holding hand.

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