Saturday, January 14, 2017

HGIBO Gundam Kimaris Mini Review

Now, if someone asks me which Gundam from IBO would be my favorite, it would be the Kimaris. I love Flauros because of cannons and Shino, and Bael because it's regal, knight-like design is epic, but Kimaris wins all round. I just love the design of this MS, a lot of panel detail, a bulky yet slim design, the purple and white colorscheme, everything speaks to me about the Kimaris. So back when, I decided that the HG Kimaris would be my very first Gundam Frame.

Like other Gundam's from the series, the Kimaris uses the Gundam Frame. Unlike most other Gundam Frames, the Kimaris has some leg armor which locks the polycap for the feet in place, so this frame is suddenly a much larger joy to pose. The Gundam Frame is quite detailed and very articulate, and this one is also very sturdy, so you can pose it all you like.

The kit itself is a very good one. It's a solid build due to the Gundam Frame, and small parts of the frame show on the arms and back of the legs, and it just adds to the overall detail. There is also another way the kit shows it's inner frame, but i'll talk about that later. He's got good articulation but that awesome frame is limited a bit by the engineering and armor designs. He's got a very nice set of accessories, although only 2 are really used as weapons. My favorite has to be that Gungnir joust, it's huge, intimidating, and looks awesome. Sadly he does droop it a but due to how hefty it is, but it's worth it. I'd love to see the Kimaris rushing in through space impaling everything.

Kimaris also has one final gimmick, as this is a space use suit, weight doesn't matter, so if the Kimaris ever needs to gain an extra boost in space, feet fold up and his legs split to reveal thrusters, revealing a bit of the Gundam Frame at the same time. These leg boosters allow the Kimaris to charge at high speeds, striking everything that stands in it's way, and I absolutely love it. Of course, this feature requires a stand, so I do recommend getting an Action Base 2 for this guy.


The HGIBO Gundam Kimaris is one of my favorite kits from the HGIBO line, and it's not just because I love Kimaris. He misses almost none if not, no color apps whatsoever, and at the same time he's detailed, has some presence, and can shine even more with a stand. Articulation, while limited a bit by the armor is still quite good, and can outpose most other kits. I'd say that if you're interested in this kit, definitely get it, it's a solid build and an excellent kit overall.


- Legs can split to reveal leg boosters, awesome with a stand. (!)
- Quite a bit of detail on this kit, lining would definitely help that.
- Sturdy build, this thing can pose solidly.
- Articulation is quite good, although armor limits it a bit, the frame itself is awesome on the other hand.


-No way to display his Discs in mid-air. 
-Gungnir can be too heavy for the hand in certain poses.
-Does not come with a stand for the leg boosters.

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