Saturday, January 28, 2017

HG Nu Gundoom Ground Type Mini Review

For those wondering what this MS is, which series did it come from, and why is it called Gundoom instead of Gundam, let me enlighten you that this is not a Gundam made by Bandai. This is the third party Nu Gundoom Ground Type by MC Model, a third party company. This kit was based off their regular Nu Gundoom, which itself was based off the Nu Gundam design by Bandai. Now don't let this fool you though, this kit is completely original, re-designed straight from the ground up, and shares zero parts with the regular HG Nu Gundam, with the design of the kit only being inspired by the MS.

This was my first bootleg that isn't a complete copy from one of Bandai's products, or technically even one at all for that matter. As for my stance on bootlegs, I stay by my rule that "if it's somehow original, i'm fine with it", so while I don't support kits that are direct copies of the Bandai, i'm fine with it as long as the kit is somehow different from said copies.

To differentiate these types of kits, or figures in general from those direct copies, I typically prefer referring these types of figures as "Third Party", despite knowing it's not the true proper use of the term. So, as my first third party kit, what impression did I have with it, how did I think the kit was and do I think it was worth buying? Weelll, read on to see my thoughts.

As for the kit itself, I think it looks pretty good. While fitting is not perfect, it's not bad either, think slightly worse than Kotobukiya. It's workable and isn't much of a hassle but it is not Bandai. The finished kit itself looks awesome, that's likely the kit's strongest aspect, it's quite detailed and has a considerable amount of panel detail, bring a black marker for this kit. Stickers don't stick the best and the adhesive is kinda lousy, still it should work well enough. Articulation on the kit is decent and serviceable, but it's not winning any competitions. Although, this kit comes with a lot of cool accessories, my favorite being the gatling gun on his backpack, which can be displayed with a rubber belt feed which plugs into the backpack or with a separate ammo clip. It's also worthy to note that you don't get enough polycaps to make all the accessories, and that you'll need one "ring" polycap to complete it, you can try using one from a spare Gundam kit, as it should work.

In terms of difficulty, this is a little more complex than an HG but not MG level yet, I do recommend that you pay attention to nub placement though, as some areas have nubs that will affect certain areas if you gouge too much with your knife, the v-fin being one, which has a nub very close to a spike on the front. There is a problem with this kit though, and it's a problem that is prevalent with all other MC Model kits to my knowledge, and that's the plastic quality. At first, it's a bit of a soft ABS, not super hard but workable. Fitting is tight, and at first it has stiff joints. However, this ABS can stress/break easily, and it erodes just as much. While at first the kit was super tight, it became loose very quickly, and there are a lot of falling parts, if you can glue, I recommend it, the parts are more frustrating to deal with than the RG Sinanju when built.


As my first Third Party kit, I think this kit gave me a decent experience. No it's not a fantastic kit, but I think it serviced me well, and I don't regret buying it. The problem of plastic quality is definitely a a big one, and it does hugely detriment the finished product, however if you don't mind looseness, and are careful with your kits, you can have a fun experience. It's not super articulate, yet it isn't a brick, think about HG Unicorn level of articulation. He does however come with a very nice amount of accessories, and he packs a ton of detail too, both which are easily the main highlights of this kit. Not to mention this kit is the only one of it's kind, there is no other Nu Gundam Ground Type because it's an MC Model original kit. So if you're interested in it's weapons and looks, I do recommend that you think about checking this kit out.


- Tones of surface detail and panel lines. (!)
- A large amount of accessories.
- Completely original third party kit in terms of parts.
- MC Model original MS, only inspired by the Nu Gundam.


- Plastic quality is very bad, stresses easily and erodes just as easily too. (!)
- Due to plastic quality, kit can become very loose, may want some glue. (!)
- Sticker adhesive isn't the best.

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