Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/144 NG Gerbera Tetra Review

So one day I went shopping in a few local hobby shops for Gunpla. I had found that the shop had a little section that had a few really old Gunpla from long long ago. Obviously, I had to pick one up, so since the HGUC Gerbera Tetra was quite rare in itself, I decided to get this kit for myself as a little novelty. If it isn't obvious, the box is very old and busted, after all, this kit was sold back in 1994.


Ignoring the faded colors and the wear of the box, for the boxart, we get a blue background with a nice picture of the Gerbera Tetra zooming in front of the Neue Ziel for the boxart.


For parts, the kit comes with 2 magenta runners, both which are technically one big one...

...another magenta runner, and a dark grey runner.

You also get a polycap runner in the same dark grey.

As well as a non-foil sticker sheet.


The manual is interesting. Instead of having your typical side-fold manual, you get a manual that unfolds like a poster.

On the manual, you get a lot of info on the MS and the show, as well as some number labels to show you the name of parts.

The manual has instructions to build and part count but no color guide. Oh well, you can find the HGUC's one online.

Completed Product:

The completed product gives a decent representation of the Gerbera Tetra. Yes it misses very minor color apps and the HG does remedy that, however the color apps are very minor and you're paying a lot less for a decent representation. Keep in mind this is a really old kit, and they did a decent job for their time. Proportions may look weird, but are decent enough in my opinion, it's also worthy to note that due to age the plastic was also very brittle (I broke 4 parts >_<)


The head is on a peg and a hinge, so while it can move up and down and swing around, it can't tilt. Also those huge shoulderpads do not move, and combined with the head design, it can be a bit limiting.

Shoulderpads move up quite high, however the arm itself doesn't even go 90˚ upwards.

The arm can swivel and bends at about an 85˚ angle, not even 90˚ but for the time, it's not that surprising.

Thighs do not swivel and the torso does not move at all. and don't go out very far either.

Plus the knee only goes about 70˚. Don't let this picture fool you, the Gerbera Tetra's legs are bird-like, and arch back.

For accessories, she comes with quite barebones stuff for the most part.

First weapon is the toothpick beam saber and while it's molded awesomely, it will need yellow paint. It also gets in the way of fitting into the hand in some poses due to the handguard, and is a bit on the hollow side.

Looks quite decent though.

You also get a hand for the rifle. which is slightly larger and has a square connection.

The rifle looks awesome, one of the biggest and baddest i've seen. But, and this is a big but, you cannot pose with it. The static shoulders and giant rifle design limit essentially all posing options with this awesome gun. Big shame, but I guess you could give this to other kits.

Finally you get the large Sturm Booster which just plugs into the back. The gas tanks move and it gives the Gerbera Tetra more prescence. Also, be careful with that antenna, remember how I said I broke two parts, one being the shoulder? The other part was that antenna, and while I cemented it on, I am nowhere near confident with that connection and it looks horrible now. If anyone just so happens to have any spare parts from this kit (A2 17 and A2 15), PM'ing my about it would be greatly appreciated. (Gentei would be too expensive, I doubt I can find a spare kit easily, and pinning is not an option for me)


This definitely isn't the best kit out there, if given the choice of this or the HGUC, i'd pick the HGUC in the end. But for the time, i'd say this is one of the better looking NG's due to how little color the Gerbera Tetra has, and probably one of the better ones as well. Honestly for 1000 yen, you're not missing a lot. Sure, the HG is superior, but put in mind that it's more than 1.5x more expensive than this guy, and while it's rare, having this thing gives real bragging rights. Don't hesitate to pick this one up if you see it. Another thing to note is that it's actually bigger than it's meant to be, this is larger than the HG for some reason, which could be a bad thing or a good thing depending on your view.


- One of the better looking NG's.
- Rare and has a lot of value.
- For 1000 yen this is quite a decently sized kit. 


- Weapons kinda suck in terms of functionality. (!)
- Articulation is limited but expected for the age.


- Not exactly accurate scale, is quite a bit larger than the HG. 

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