Monday, January 23, 2017

1/100 NG McGillis's Schwalbe Graze Mini Review

I never planned on getting this kit, I honestly never did. I always liked the look Schwalbe Graze and while it was tempting, I never really got the urge to buy it. But, the hobby store I go to were clearing their stocks, and they decided to discount this guy to a laughable price because I assumed they weren't selling enough, this method is commonly done at that store for kits that don't seem to be selling too well, and it's such a win-win for everyone. So basically, when I saw this guy at my hobby store for an insanely cheap price of $11, temptation got the better of me and I brought it home, a very similar story to how I got my 1/100 Graze.

The inner frame is 100% identical to the inner frame of the normal 1/100 Graze, for a better understanding of that kit, feel free to check out my 1/100 Graze review.

Articulation is very similar to the original Graze, with very few differences, those few differences being armor design possibly getting in the way of one another, and restricting the joints in different ways to the original 1/100 Graze. However, I think overall articulation is very good, with very little annoyances, and having a solid kit once built. For gimmicks, he shares the opening head and moving sensor the original 1/100 Graze had, and he also has the hidden thrusters in the legs as well. Again, for more detail, please check out my 1/100 Graze Review.

Most of his weapons are almost identical to the 1/100 Graze, as the kit is carried over from the Graze as a variant.

It does however, come with a single unique weapon, the wire claw. It's kept in the left arm when not in use, and with the help of a part, you can attach the claw to a wire, and have the end of the part plugged into the arm for more posing opportunities. However, like other wire weapons, the weight of the claw does cause the wire to droop, and may limit posing options. Also, you can use this wire claw with the 1/100 Gundam Barbatos alongside with the 1/100 Graze to turn the Barbatos into it's 3rd form. I do not have the 1/100 Barbatos however, so I cannot show this to you.

Finally, the Schwalbe Graze's hip thrusters can me taken off and used with the Barbatos 6th form to turn it into the Barbatos 5th form. Like other partswapping areas of the IBO line, in order for a complete anime 5th form Barbatos, painting will be required, and as a side negative, the Schwalbe will need another pair of hip thrusters, which can only be obtained through buying another Schwalbe Graze. Well played bandai, well played. Nevertheless, i've updated the Barbatos 6th form's review to include the 5th form, and you can check it out here.


My verdict to this kit is very similar to that of the regular 1/100 Graze. Overall, this is a very solid kit with only very minor issues as well as strongpoints. It's a good representation of the Schwalbe but doesn't do anything to impress whatsoever. However, it's certainly a more unique and "special looking" kit when compared to your average Graze due to not being a grunt suit, it's got a more regal or enforcer-like design that is definitely intriguing, and. It's slightly more detailed than the HG, yet has a very similar construction and might as well be considered one when it comes to built quality, save for the inner frame. Overall, if you like the look of this kit, and or are an IBO fan, you could pick this up if you wanted to. I wouldn't say it's a must buy, but if you're interested, definitely give it a shot.


- Solid build, a nice sturdy kit.
- Inner Frame is quite articulate.
- Has a good amount of fun gimmicks.


- Thigh armor does like to fall off.
- Thigh articulation is a bit limited due to waist design.
- Joints can be a bit loose due to polycaps.


- Thigh thrusters and extra polycaps can be used to turn the 1/100 Barbatos 6th form into it's 5th form.

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